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Showing posts from March, 2019

Epic Games Store Account Fraud Raises Email Verification Concerns

Epic Games Store Account Fraud Raises Email Verification Concerns The  Epic Games  Store is now three months old, and while it has made progress improving its feature-set in certain areas, like  refunds and regional pricing , it looks as if other areas are glaringly underdeveloped. It turns out that account security seems to be one of them. Reports are coming in that Epic accounts tied to valid emails are being created fraudulently, yet users don’t seem to be receiving verification emails upon account creation. It’s unclear where Epic’s security has failed.      A Reddit thread posted recently by the user “-dov-” is claiming that fraudulent Epic Games Store accounts had been created tied to two different of their email addresses. The user was confused, because they had no verification emails from when these accounts were created. Nonetheless, they were able to reset the passwords on the accounts and disable them. Just to confirm their suspicions, however, -dov- also went ahe